August 30, 2023
Vietnam E-visa

Congo Citizens Can Utilize Vietnam’s E-Visa Scheme

In an exciting development, Vietnam has officially opened its e-visa scheme to citizens of all countries, including Congo. Effective from August 15, 2023, Congolese travelers can now apply for their Vietnam e-visa online, eliminating the need to queue at the Vietnamese embassy or consulate. This new policy aims to streamline the visa application process, making it more convenient and hassle-free for visitors from Congo. In this article, we will explore the benefits of the Vietnam e-visa and provide useful information for Congolese travelers planning their trip to this captivating Southeast Asian country.

The Convenience of Vietnam e-Visa

Gone are the days of complex paperwork, long waiting times, and tiresome visits to embassies or consulates of Vietnam. With the introduction of the Vietnam e-visa, travelers from Congo can rejoice in the simplicity and efficiency of the online application process. By visiting the official website, applicants can complete their visa application with just a few clicks, saving valuable time and effort.

Wide Entry Points for Vietnam e-Visa Holders

Vietnam is well-connected with the rest of the world, and the e-visa scheme ensures that Congolese travelers have multiple entry points to choose from. With 13 airports, 16 land border gates, and 13 sea border gates open to Vietnam e-visa holders, visitors from Congo can easily plan their itinerary and select the most convenient entry point for their travel needs.

Testimonials from Satisfied Travelers

The introduction of the Vietnam e-visa has garnered positive feedback from travelers around the globe, including those from countries without a Vietnamese embassy or consulate. “It’s excellent news. We’ve waited very long for the Vietnam e-visa because there is no Vietnamese embassy or consulate in my country,” expressed a delighted tourist. This sentiment is shared by many Congolese travelers who have been eagerly anticipating this update.

Opting for Commercial Websites: A Hassle-Free Experience

While the official website offers a straightforward e-visa application process, visitors from Congo who wish to avoid any potential frustration can opt for commercial websites that provide a user-friendly interface and guarantee timely delivery of e-visas. These third-party agents specialize in visa services and offer a hassle-free experience, albeit at a slightly higher cost. For those seeking peace of mind and a smooth visa application, these commercial websites are a reliable option.


The Vietnam e-visa scheme opening its doors to citizens of Congo marks an important milestone in enhancing travel convenience and accessibility. With the introduction of this online visa application process, Congolese travelers can bid farewell to long queues and complicated paperwork. Whether it’s exploring the bustling streets of Hanoi, cruising through the picturesque Halong Bay, or immersing in the rich cultural heritage of Hoi An, Vietnam offers a myriad of experiences waiting to be discovered. Embrace this new opportunity and plan your visit to Vietnam hassle-free with the e-visa system. Welcome to Vietnam, the Land of the Dragon!

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