September 6, 2023
Vietnam E-visa

Vietnam Visa Online for Bharatan Citizens: A Hassle-Free Way to Explore Vietnam

Vietnam, with its breathtaking landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality, has always been a popular destination for travelers from around the world. Bharatan citizens, who are eager to experience the wonders of Vietnam, will be thrilled to know that they can now easily obtain a visa online. In this article, we will guide you through the process of acquiring a Vietnam visa online, saving you time and effort.

The New Visa Policy

Thanks to the government’s resolution 127/NQ-CP, Vietnam now grants 90-day e-visas to citizens of all countries, including Bharatan citizens. This means that you can stay in Vietnam for up to 90 days without the need for a traditional visa. This new policy has been eagerly awaited by many, and it opens up exciting opportunities for Bharatan citizens to explore Vietnam at their leisure.

Easy Online Application

Gone are the days when you had to visit the Vietnamese embassy or consulate in Bharat to apply for a visa. Now, you can simply visit the official website and apply for an e-visa online. The process is quick, convenient, and can be done from the comfort of your own home. All you need is an internet connection and a few documents to complete the application.

Commercial Websites for a Hassle-Free Experience

For those who are in a rush or want to avoid potential frustration, commercial websites offer a user-friendly interface and a simple application form. These websites guarantee to deliver the e-visa on time, ensuring a hassle-free experience, albeit at a slightly higher cost. They understand the importance of your travel plans and strive to make the visa application process as smooth as possible.

Entry and Exit Points

Vietnam has made it incredibly convenient for e-visa holders to enter and exit the country. With 13 airports, 16 land border gates, and 13 sea border gates designated for e-visa holders, you have a wide range of options to choose from. Whether you prefer air travel, crossing by land, or arriving by sea, you can easily plan your itinerary without any restrictions.

Visa Fees and Processing Time

The cost of a Vietnam e-visa is US$25 for single-entry and US$50 for multiple entries. It is important to note that the e-visa fee is non-refundable, regardless of whether your visa application gets approved or denied. The processing time for an e-visa is generally 3 working days under normal circumstances. However, during peak seasons or after holidays, it may take a little longer. It is advisable to plan your trip well in advance to avoid any last-minute delays.

The Benefits of Multiple Entries

One of the most valuable aspects of the e-visa policy is the provision for multiple entries. As a Bharatan citizen, this means that you can travel to other nations without having to apply for a new visa each time you return to Vietnam. This convenience allows you to explore neighboring countries and make the most of your time in Southeast Asia.


Vietnam has opened its doors wider to Bharatan citizens with the introduction of the 90-day e-visa policy. The ability to apply for a visa online has simplified the process, eliminating the need for embassy visits. Whether you choose to apply directly through the official website or opt for a commercial website, the e-visa application is now more accessible than ever. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture of Vietnam.

TAGS Bharatan