August 30, 2023
Vietnam E-visa

Vietnam’s E-Visa Program Welcomes Afghans from August 2023

No More Queuing at the Vietnamese Embassy – Apply for a Vietnam E-Visa from the Comfort of Your Home

Vietnam has recently made a significant update to its visa policy, bringing great news to the citizens of Afghanistan. Starting from August 15, 2023, Vietnam opens its e-visa scheme to citizens of ALL countries and territories, including Afghanistan. This means that Afghan travelers no longer need to queue at the Vietnamese embassy or consulate to apply for a visa. Instead, they can conveniently apply for an e-visa online through the official website.

The Convenience of Vietnam E-Visa

The introduction of Vietnam e-visa for citizens of Afghanistan brings immense convenience and saves valuable time and effort. Gone are the days of waiting in long queues and dealing with paperwork at the embassy. With just a few clicks, Afghan travelers can now complete their visa application process from the comfort of their own homes.

Simple Application Process – Hassle-Free Experience

For visitors from Afghanistan who want to avoid any potential frustration, there are commercial websites available that offer a simple application process and a user-friendly interface. These websites act as agents and guarantee to deliver the e-visa on time, ensuring a hassle-free experience for Afghan travelers. It is important to note that opting for these commercial websites may come with higher costs, but the peace of mind and convenience they offer are well worth it.

Wide Accessibility – Numerous Entry Points

Vietnam e-visa holders from Afghanistan can enter and exit the country through 13 airports, 16 land border gates, and 13 sea border gates. This wide accessibility ensures that Afghan travelers have plenty of options when it comes to choosing their entry point into Vietnam. Whether you plan to arrive by air, land, or sea, the e-visa allows for a seamless and convenient travel experience.

Excitement Among International Tourists

The decision to open the e-visa scheme to citizens of all countries and territories, including Afghanistan, has generated a lot of excitement among international tourists. Many Afghan travelers who have been eagerly waiting for this update are now preparing their plans to visit Vietnam. The ease of obtaining the e-visa and the elimination of the need to visit the embassy or consulate have made Vietnam an even more attractive destination for Afghan travelers.

In conclusion, Vietnam’s decision to open its e-visa scheme to citizens of Afghanistan is a significant step towards facilitating smooth travel and boosting tourism between the two countries. Afghan travelers can now rejoice in the fact that they no longer need to queue at the Vietnamese embassy or consulate for a visa. Instead, they can easily apply for the Vietnam e-visa online, either through the official website or commercial websites that offer a hassle-free experience. With numerous entry points available, Afghan visitors can choose the most convenient option for their travel to Vietnam. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the beauty and culture of Vietnam – it’s now easier than ever before!

TAGS Afghans